Belmont Albion Lodge No 45 held its Annual Installation on Tuesday 9th of April with Master Elect Bro Floyd Apoderado being installed into the Chair of King Solomon. It was a great night indeed with flawless rituals. District Grand Master VW Bro Dennis Waller was the Installing Master and the District Grand Director of Ceremonies W Bro Evan Taylor directed the ceremony. The Board of Installed Masters was conducted by RW Bro Murray Morrissey. W Bro Michael Smith IPM Te Atatu Lodge No 414 and W Bro Mark Pagulayan IPM Titirangi Mt Albert Lodge No 2014 acted as Presenting Officers. The Installation ceremony was very well conducted and with Past District Grand Master VW Bro Harvey Sadgrove behind the organ it couldn’t have been better. This followed by a Filipino inspired sumptuous feast at refectory.
2019 Officers
Worshipful Master- W Bro Floyd Apoderado
Immediate Past Master- W Bro Russell Ward
Deputy Master - VW Bro Geoff Foote
Senior Warden- Bro Richard Lumsden
Junior Warden- Bro Allen De Guzman
Chaplain- Bro David Little
Treasurer- Bro Chris Bilham
Secretary- W Bro Dave Barr, P Grand Bible Bearer
Almoner for Life- W Bro Wayne Jones Role of Honour
Director of Ceremonies- W Bro Sean Neely
Senior Deacon- Isaac Newcombe
Junior Deacon- Ali Seyfoddin
Inner Guard- Bro Sonny Pablo
Tyler- VW Bro Keith Eaglesome, P Grand DC
Head Steward- W Bro Wayne Jones
Assistant Stewards- Bro Chris Bestwick, Ryan Bosher, Ranjit Menon & Craig Cock